
Fall Of The Roman Empire Essay

Decent Essays

Prior to the fall of the empire, Rome struggled with over-spending, government instability, and nomadic invaders. Emperors were assassinated, natural disasters shook the empire, and imperial laziness killed society from the inside out. The foundation of all these problem lies in the military overspending and the over expansion of an already steadily growing empire, leading to the fall of one of the largest empires in history.
Military overspending and over expansion was the ultimate cause of the fall of the Roman Empire. This is not specifically because it was the most fatal, but because it weakened every aspect of the once fully-functioning world superpower. For the final blow, we chose Parkinson's Disease, because although it doesn't kill …show more content…

These include government corruption, the weakening of the military, and invasions from barbarians. These issues are represented by benign tumors, concussions, and Chagas disease, respectively. Government corruption is symbolized by a benign brain tumor because it presses against the brain, cut can be removed, affecting judgement and decision-making. Government corruption led to the fall of Rome by the less-than-adequate choices made by the corrupted leader. The barbarians’ constant invasions crippled an already fractured government because it slowly chipped away at the foundation of Rome. This is represented by Chagas disease, which can be cured with medicine, but is often not caught until it is too late and often becomes deadly. This is similar to the barbarians’ invasions because if they had be caught early enough, the empire might not have fallen as quickly. The weakening of the military is depicted by a concussion because a concussion impairs the ability to make decisions and affect your sense of balance. The weakening of the military was yet another reason for the fall of Rome because the weak military couldn’t allow for the proper defense against the

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