
How Fair Use Has Changed Over Time

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In part one of this paper I will be discussing fair use in detail. I will be covering why fair use is important, how fair use has developed over time, as well as the four factors in determining whether or not a piece of work qualifies under fair use. I will also be talking about appropriation art in this paper.
Thesis: In this paper I will be talking about fair use, how fair use has developed into appropriation art, and how copyright has changed over time.
Thesis: This paper will discuss the specifics of copyright through fair use and appropriation art, how the laws have changed over the past 50 years, and its impact on the field.
How the Laws Have Changed:
I. Shift from publication to creation (public domain) -Art before 1978- the public standard -The copyright act of 1909 -Art created after 1978
II. Future of Copyright -Copyright Laws need to evolve to new technology -To provide incentives to professionals -To provide freedom to amatures
Impact on the Field: Banksy, Shepard Fairey

Fair Use
Fair use is an exemption within copyright law that basically permits anyone to use copyrighted materials without payment and without approval, subject to certain conditions.
Fair use limits the rights of the copyright holder by allowing unauthorized copying in circumstances that are roughly consistent with promoting economic efficiency. According to Susan M. Bielstein in her book, Permissions, a Survival Guide: Blunt Talk About

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