
Fahrenheit 451 Fire And Fire Analysis

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Fire, while it is nearly crucial for a functional society, is an easy element to overuse and abuse, even to the point where it affects the things around it. Fire cannot be easily controlled, and once out of control, regaining power over it is difficult. Montag and the other firemen learn this when they encounter the woman who burns herself rather than have them burn her books (40). By taking the authority from the firemen, she makes Montag realize that they aren’t the only ones with the force of fire behind them. This is shown later in the books when Montag turns the firehose on Beatty, the fire chief (116). When someone takes away this power or makes someone lose control of their element of comfort, the whole situation can spiral out of control quickly. …show more content…

Faber says that the people like their world like “wax moon faces” (83), poreless and smooth, too perfect. Wax is a very meltable substance and fire burns wax of society. When Mildred finds out Montag is breaking the law, she reacted like a “wax doll melting in its own heat” (76). This is a terrific example of how two things that we love so much, the fire of society and the perfection of wax, can destroy each other. Another appearance of wax, brings up the man who flew too close to the sun and “burnt his damn wings” (113). The things we use against others, can be used against us. The sun, though without it, we would not exist, is a burning device. Montag comes to this revelation as he it thinking about the reasons that burning books is wrong after he has left the city. He compares his former career to this with the thought “the sun burnt every day, it burnt time” (141). Time is one of the most precious resources as is knowledge. Despite its many flaws, fire can also be put to purposes that do more to benefit us than

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