
The Characteristics Of A Fireman In 'Fahrenheit 451'

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At the start of “Fahrenheit 451”, one huge characteristic of Montag is that he has a smile that is plastered on his face, just like everyone else. This is a big part because this changes the most throughout the story. Also I know this because Guy actually explains, ”Montag grinned the fierce grin of all men singed and driven back by flame […] Later, going to sleep, he would feel the fiery smile still gripped by his face muscles” (pg 8). Later in the book, after changing a lot he even realizes that he never been happy and says ”the smile I had plastered on my face […]” (133 ). This evidence is showing that his smile wasn't really his, for it was more like a mask. Secondly, Guy Montag is the stereotype of a fireman in this dystopian/utopian society. The stereotype of a fireman in this book is a man who finds absolute maniacal happiness from burning everything (mainly books), and a fireman is usually quick to hate and doesn't give a single thought to what they burn. One piece of evidence comes from page 7 where he tells the reader, ”It was a special pleasure to see things be eaten, to see things blackened and changed.”( 7). After just the few first pages you can see Montag is quite childish, and I say childish as in he is arguing even though he may not have the answer. Lastly he gets mad very easily as you can see at page 12, and 14 where he only yells what he thinks without thinking about it. He even gets mad at Clarisse for asking simple questions out of curiosity, like when she asks Montag “Are you happy?”
Page 16, is when Montag starts to change. After getting angry at Clarisse, and thinking about her last question he shows that he does think about things. In the book he states, “He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin[...] He was not happy”( 16). This evidence shows that he finally starts to think about the other side, starts to questions things. Later when the book introduces us to Helen and she talks about her “family” which lets us see that Guy is paranoid of the “family” taking her away from real life ( 24). Also the evidence just shown is another reason to show the stereotype of the utopian/dystopian society. It shows that everyone is very childish. At

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