
Facts About Peru

Decent Essays

Peru Did you know real estate, buildings, and houses in Peru that are owned by the Catholic Church are exempt from property taxes? This is just one amazing fact, you will learn in this paper. This paper will discuss Peru; its history, religions, government, and geography.
First, this paper will talk about Peru’s history. Peru has a unique and rich heritage among the nations of the Southern content. Peru has this rich heritage for over 10,000 years, and is one of the most harsh and inhospitable environments in the world. Peru has an empire that spanned a third of the South American continent. Peru also surpassed many of the great empires in world history, and also established a historic division and became divided economically, socially, politically, and between a semi feudal (Peru Facts and Culture). Peru’s formal independence from Spain was in …show more content…

While keeping the hostages they demanded ten million in ransom for the safe return of the hostages. The Peruvian government refused to negotiate, but the government sent 1,500 troops to the area (Peru).
Finally, this paper will talk about Peru’s geography. Peru is located in Western South America, bordering the South Pacific Ocean, between Chile and Ecuador. Also Peru is almost twice the size of Texas; slightly smaller than Alaska. Peru borders five countries, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador (World Factbook).
Peru’s climate varies from tropical in east to dry desert in west; temperate to frigid in Andes. Peru’s natural resources are copper, silver, gold, petroleum, timber, fish, iron ore, coal, phosphate, potash, hydropower, and natural gas. Peru’s population is 30,741,062 (World Factbook). In conclusion, Peru is an important and interesting country. Peru is essential to commerce and trade in many countries. It also has very many beautiful cities. This paper has discussed Peru; its history, religions, government, and

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