
Afro-Peruvian Population Analysis

Decent Essays

Public policy, intercultural approach and the Afro-Peruvian population The design and implementation of public policies with a differential approach is a very recent action taken by the Peruvian government. These policies must respond to the specific needs of the most vulnerable communities in the country: women, children, the elderly and ethnic groups; and seek to contribute to the reduction of structural inequalities that limit their development. One of these ethnic groups is the Afro-Peruvian population, geographically located along the Peruvian coast . This group has historically faced profound inequalities, which reflect in lower levels of school enrollment, low family incomes, job segregation and institutional invisibility, among others. This situation has been visible through Afro-Peruvian civil society organizations, who have assumed the representation of the …show more content…

However, it was not until the creation of the Directorate of public policy for the Afro-Peruvian population inside the Ministry of Culture, and its designation as the governing body in issues related to this population, that the government had an articulate response to the special situation of the Afro-Peruvians. The Directorate of public policy for the Afro-Peruvian population was created in 2013 and since then has made big efforts to generate a space for the articulation with the Afro-Peruvian movements, promoting the generation of official data about the situation of this population, establishing an official dialogue with other agencies that were working with Afro-Peruvian population or in zones with a high presence of Afro-Peruvians; and dedicating to the institutionalization of some specific actions in the Peruvian

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