
Factors : The Causes And Effects Of Climate Change

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Climate change

Climate Change is caused by the release of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere. This happens naturally sometimes due to the change in the earth's orbit (which does not cause greenhouse gasses but can still change the climate), but humans are tremendously speeding up the process. The greenhouse gas is released by fossil fuels or the harvest of oil. The effects of climate change are very horrible. The arctic and glaciers have melted making no homes for native wildlife such as polar bears. Also because of the melting the sea level will increase hugely and flood many areas, Such As florida, New york, New Orleans, San Francisco, Washington, Nile Delta, Netherlands, and last off venice.
One thousand three hundred scientists Mostly from the united states collected Information and if climate change continues If the forecast is correct for the next Century then the Temperature should be 2.5 To 10 degrees. The Average precipitation has also increased since nineteen hundreds or it sometimes decreases in some areas. The length of frost free seasons and the growing seasons has slowly increased since The nineteen eighties. This affects Ecosystems and agriculture Hurricanes will also Increase the intensity, frequency, and duration. These factors have only increased Since the 1980's and it's set to only get worse. These are also all causes of climate change.
There are alternative power sources like double bladed wind turbines, or plastic that doesn't pollute at all, fuel cell cars are all other options. Those are all minor things but there is an obvious solution, Nuclear energy. Even if you include the Deaths from Chernobyl and Fukushima Nuclear has the least death toll even less Than coal, oil, biomass, natural gas, peat, Solar, hydro, and even wind. For every thirty five deaths from coal there is one death from nuclear. If you are still Worried then the idea of the thorium reactor Which is hard to turn into weapons, less toxic, And is only dangerous for a few hundred Years rather than a few thousand years. Also nuclear waste can be stored and contained unlike a lot of other energy producers.
There has been a crack in the arctic ice shelf. The crack in the Larsen c ice shelf has grown over seventeen

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