
Factors That Lead To Reducing Suicide : The Problem Of Suicide

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There are an infinite number of factors that can lead one to commit suicide, however, it is not truly possible to understand what goes through one’s mind as they spend their final moments alive. Each individual struggles with and handles complications in a different manner, as each individual is faced with diverse problems. Therefore, a problematic issue that can lead one individual to commit suicide could quite possible have no effect of any kind on another individual. Suicide is often a carefully planned out and decisive action as it is almost always the result of several problematic issues that accumulate over time. Albeit, a root cause for suicide cannot be pinpointed, there are many prevalent contributing factors that augment to rising suicide rates. Suicide continues to be a global problem with a universal question of why.

“The study of genealogical tables indicate that some families have a very high incidence of suicide” (David Lester). A common example would be the Hemingway family where Ed Hemingway, who prevented the suicide of his father in law Ernest Hall, ultimately committed suicide after suffering a major financial loss. Three of Ed Hemingway’s six children chose the same fatal death as their father, along with Ernest Hemingway’s granddaughter Margeaux Hemingway. The Kallman’s twin study was done in order to test the possibility of suicidal behaviour being a genetic trait, with results showing that identical twins have a higher concordance for suicide

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