
Extreme Emotions In William Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet introduces two families who have been feuding for generations: the Capulets and the Montagues. The feuding between the families leads to a range of misunderstandings and unnecessary fighting, and ultimately leads to the deaths of the two main characters. It is clear that many of the events in the play result from characters acting on their emotions instead of thinking through the consequences of their actions. These events reveal the theme that acting on extreme emotions often leads to negative outcomes. An important event at the beginning of the play that introduces the theme is when Benvolio tries to break up the fighting at the start of the play, and Tybalt shows up and wants to continue the fighting. Tybalt states, “Peace, I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee” (I.i.85-86). This statement introduces the theme because Tybalt’s words show his extreme hatred toward the Montagues. Instead of agreeing to break up the fight, his negative feelings toward the other family lead to more extreme conflicts throughout the play. This moment helps the reader understand the theme …show more content…

Romeo exclaims, “Mercutio’s soul is but a little way above our heads, staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou, or I, or both must go with him” (III.i.121-124). Based on Romeo’s speech in this passage, the reader can see how acting on extreme emotions leads to negative outcomes because it is clear that Romeo’s actions in this passage are due to his extreme anger. This moment helps develop the theme because Romeo’s emotions have significant consequences, as his anger and blind hatred toward Tybalt lead to his banishment from Verona. Instead of thinking about the consequences of his actions, Romeo acts solely based on his emotions, which leads to further complications throughout the

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