
Strong Emotions In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Approximate twenty percent of teenagers will experience depression. How would you deal loving someone that your family hates, or hate someone in your family who used it to hate, but now accept. These are experiences many teenagers are having to deal with today. William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet illustrate how Juliet deals with love and Tybalt deals with anger; although these are strong emotions, they can be overcome with simple communication.

Juliet is a thirteen year old girl who has found love with Romeo Montague, a son of the rival of her family,. Love is defined as a deep affection of one person. Love is a strong emotion, even in young girls like Juliet because of the undevelopment in their brains, and even their family situation could affect their love for a boy. “O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?/ Deny thy father and refuse thy name!/ Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,/ And I’ll no longer be a Capulet” (A2S1L33-36). This supports the action of Juliet because she will do anything for love even if she only met him. …show more content…

Love in general, is world-wide behavior that everyone has to deal with at some point in their lives. When coming to evolutionary psychosocial science it is important because it helps with repopulation. But with teenagers, it is different; they are exploring intimacy and sexuality. “Davila et al. (2009) found increased depression scores among young adolescents girls experiencing romantic relationships. In that study, it was significant that depressive symptoms were functionally related to increased parent- adolescent stress” (Bajohli, 169). As shown, adolescent girls are searching for love because of the stress the parenting is putting on the child. This supports Juliet because of the stress of her parents wanting a marriage from Juliet, but Juliet loves Romeo, someone her family does not approve

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