
Exploring Personality Development Business in India

Decent Essays


There has been a growing trend to go for personality development in India in between students, businessmen, corporates, etc. This study research aims at exploring the unexplored market of personality development business in India. Apart from just exploring the market the research also tries to study the scope of personality development business in the near future. The research also tries to analyze the role; personality development plays in the overall success of a person. In addition to this, the intrusion of personality development in the formal education system is also under study.


Personality development is an industry that is consistently gaining importance. Corporate houses are investing heavily on HR …show more content…

To find out that the in India believe the same thing, corporates in India are investing into personal development, the following hypothesis is taken

H2: Personal development & consistently learning is gaining importance.

Since most of the current personality development institutes are thriving and giving all those stuff that formal education system lacks, and a large number of people are believing that formal education in India is insufficient we take the following hypothesis:

H3:Formal education alone is insufficient for success in life.

Conventionally the various areas of personality development are
Vedic mathematics, public speaking, teamwork, leadership, English speaking, attitudinal seminars, conversation techniques, speed reading, acting, adventure sports, mind power [hypnotism, meditations etc], yoga.
So that to know which areas would they give maximum weightage we make the following hypothesis.

H4: Each area of the personality development program is equally weighted.

METHODOLOGY: The data used in this report is collected from doing a survey. A questionnaire is used for conducting research. Questionnaires are used primarily as there has been very less study done on this subject in India & specially related to our hypothesis. Since the research are having mostly yes no type questions, we can't use quantitative techniques like regression analysis, etc.

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