
Explanatory Essay Sample

Satisfactory Essays

Explanatory Notes:
Page 1: This page contains my forecasted clientele over a span of three years as well as my estimated income. I was able to calculate an estimated income based on guaranteed support from Hawkesbury Animal Hospital. Being a previous employee of Hawkesbury Animal Hospital, I approached them with my business plan to which they fully supported my business ventures and have guaranteed to solely recommend me for the services I will be offering. They also informed me that with their combined practices (Glengarry Animal Hospital and Vankleek Hill Veterinary Services) they have well over 3000 clients. Over the next three years, they will work with me and incorporate all three of their practices. They also informed me that currently over 30% of clients are requesting transportation services, over 50% of clients request pet sitting services ranging from day car to pet walking to at home visits, and over 20% of clients request groomer recommendations. Not only has Hawkesbury Animal Hospital guaranteed their support and exemplified a high demand for the services I plan to offer but they have committed to be my on-call emergency vet in the event of an emergency (if the client has not designated a specific vet). I have also been in contact with MacCormick Veterinary Services who has shown support and a commitment to refer me over a …show more content…

I was able to calculate an estimated income based on guaranteed support from my own connections such as previous clients from my old grooming/kennel business, people by word of mouth/referrals, and by discussing my business concepts at local events. I have also conducted phone calls to similar businesses to confirm I offer the widest variety of services in this area. All prior clients I have contacted or met with have confirmed their support of my

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