
Explain Why Did The Soviet Union Escape The Great Depression

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10. What happened on the day that the American Stock Market initially crashed? - “Eleven wall street financiers committed suicide, banks closed resulting many people to lose life savings, investments dried up, world trade declines about 62% within a few years, and businesses contracted when they were unable to sell their products. Ordinary people lost jobs” (985).
11. Explain the continuing spread of the Great Depression from America to Europe. - “By the end of 1920s, American farms and factories were producing more goods than could be sold because a highly unequal distribution of income meant that people couldn’t afford to buy that their factories were producing. Nor could the European countries buy those goods (Germany and Austria still …show more content…

What rendered other societies vulnerable to changes in the world market? - Since much of Europe’s empires are worldwide and “had globalized the war, so too its economic linkages globalized the Great Depression”. The countries/colonies specializing in a single crop became vulnerable to changes in the world marker and were hit the hardest (986).
13. Why did the Soviet Union escape the Great Depression? - They were communist and that meant everyone earned the same amount and their economy was controlled by the state, which helped their economy grow and had no signs of “unemployment in the 1930s, even as the capitalist world was reeling” …show more content…

Their spokespeople “condones violence against enemies, exalted action rather than thought and reflection, and looked to a charismatic leader for direction”. They also were bitter towards “individualism, liberalism, feminism, parliamentary democracy, and communism, all of which, they argued, divided and weakened the nation” (988-989).
15. Who was Benito Mussolini and how did he rise to power? - He was a “charismatic orator and a former journalist with socialist background”. He had help from “a private army of disillusioned veterans and jobless men known as the black shirts, Mussolini swept to power in 1922, promising an alternative to both communism and ineffective democratic rule”. Violence accompanied his rise to power. He also appealed to those afraid of communism, where “businesses threw their support to Mussolini” (989).
16. How was the German expression of Nazism like that of its Italian counterpart? - “Both espoused an extreme nationalism, openly advocated the use of violence as a political tool, generated a single-party dictatorship, were led by charismatic figures, despised parliamentary democracy, hated communism, and viewed war as a positive and ennobling experience” (990).
17. What was the basis of popular support for the

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