Three things apply to citizens from a government perspective: rights, rules/laws, and responsibilities. Citizens, both native and naturalized, possess many responsibilities that come from living under a governmental power, and the rights that proceed from it.
Citizens must support and live out the beliefs and enforcements of the government, if and only if they are just and sound. This includes laws and rules that prohibit and restrict chaotic, sinful, and unjust actions within the nation. This also means that the citizen must participate in things beneficial to the government, such as jury duty and voting. As a fellow human with a valuable input, citizens must attend and participate in jury duty to supply order and fight for justice in the
Citizenship is the legal status of an individual living within a particular country. Having citizenship gives people rights and responsibilities as well as a sense of belonging to a community. Citizenship can influence the lives of people as it gives people a sense of identity and how to live their life.
For that reason, Dalton (2009) believes that the changing norms of citizenship are the most relevant answer to this debating issue. Therefore, the theory on duty-based citizenship and engaged citizenship will be the center framework to examine the following three levels of political
Citizenship - Obey safety and health regulations, take good care of their people, and be socially responsible
In addition citizenship is important. To show good citizenship, I respect authority, follow rules, and stick up for people. I practice good citizenship everyday. This is what it takes to be a good citizen.
their taxes, this makes them a good citizen. Another side that one might take is that a good citizen has to follow all laws including social laws like
Serving Jury Duty - Serving jury duty is a requirement of a citizen to be apart of a jury when instructed. At jury duty, 12 selected citizens must hear and see the evidence in the case and decided whether the accuser is innocent or guilty. This duty is significant because the U.S. government promises that anyone who is accused of a crime will have the right to a trial by jury.
Voting is the foremost way to exhibit good citizenship and civil responsibility. People should get involved in elections and educated in all political measures. By this they become good and responsible participatory citizens. It should always be remembered that some people sacrifice their lives to preserve the freedom and voting opportunity as a sacred right. True democracy demands the involvement of the people otherwise in absence of that there is no democracy(Akande, 2011).
All US citizens are granted particular rights by the US Constitution. These rights attempt to protect citizens when they are accused of a crime. That is why US citizens have a civic duty to serve and give back to the US. Although their interaction is not considered influential, Citizens, play numerous imperative parts in U.S. justice and court systems. That contribution is a critical function, characteristic, of the U.S. remaining in a democratic culture.
A citizen is a person who is a legal resident of a place and has certain rights and privileges that non-citizens do not have. In most cases those rights have to do with participating in the government and electing leaders. Citizens usually also have responsibilities, such as paying taxes, following laws, or serving in the military. The concept of citizenship developed with the idea of constitutional government, which began in ancient Greece. Until that time people were subjects of their rulers and had no political rights. In early societies that recognized citizens, such as ancient Greece and ancient Rome, citizens were limited to male property owners. Today the concept of citizenship has expanded in many parts of the world. It now includes
Become a citizen of one of the best nations in the world is a privilege that not many people have. I’m talking about the United States of America. If you are an U.S natural born citizen you have rights and responsibilities that protect you based on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S Constitution. People who are in the position to become U.S. citizens gain the same rights, privileges, and responsibilities of citizenship as natural born American with the only restriction that they can’t be eligible for President of the United States.
“We the People of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish the Constitution for the United States of America.” Without the right that the Constitution brings us, we wouldn’t have rights therefore the United States wouldn’t be a good place to live in. The Constitution brings us the right of freedom of speech (first amendment) , the right to bear arms (second amendment), and the right to protect against unreasonable government actions such as search and seizure of person property (fourth amendment). Being an American citizen means that you have rights that they would like you to fulfil. As an American citizen is it voluntary to vote, but others are required such as obeying the law and paying taxes. The Magna Carta, John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, and the Petition of Rights explains the rights and the responsibilities of an American citizen.
Essentially, it is citizen 's duty to protect their rights from the oppressive shadow of the opinions of the majority.
There are three kinds of citizens Personally Responsible, Participatory Citizen, and Justice-Oriented Citizen. Personally responsible citizen is on who donate, obey laws, and are responsible. Participatory citizen is where the person holds leadership positions in the community, and puts effort towards making a difference, they understand the government agencies and policies. Justice-oriented citizen is the third kind of citizen. This person wants to understand why things are the way they are. They will do research and get to the bottom of the issue and suggest a ways to improve that concern.
As people started to form societies, they decided that they needed to create organizations to regulate activities inside and outside of their countries. It led to the creation of the relationship between citizens and government in a form of social contract. Social contract, an idea of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, is understood as an agreement between the citizens of a country and their government in which people give away some of their freedom to the government in order to benefit of its protection and its abilities to solve local issues. Despotism, Abuses from the monarchy and authoritarian regimes have pushed humans decided to move toward a form of government in which the citizens could choose themselves their leaders. It was the birth if democracy. Democracy can be understood as the power of the people, by the people and for the people. According to Haas and Hird, democracy requires popular consensus and legitimization. It is the best form of government because the people can hold their leaders accountable and choose who not to re-elect. It offers an adult in the country the opportunity to participate in public affairs by voting. But what can explain the fact that people, especially young adults, do not consider voting as their civic duty and as something that could have an impact on their community. Authors like James Caillier suggests that the problems are corruption of the government and lack of trust of the government. This essay will focus on explaining the responsibility
It has been rightly said by someone-“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Eternal vigilance for the citizen must take many forms. There are many varied definitions for Citizen, but in this context it can be said that Citizen is the person who represents the country-legally and Citizenship describes the status of belonging somewhere and it implies both rights and responsibilities (Graham, 1991). When a Citizen get the power to enforce his rights and responsibilities, then it can be said that “With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility”. A Citizen needs to take full responsibility towards Organization, Nation as well as Planet-main three forms towards