The EPA has determined four levels of protection. The four levels of protection used during spill response and cleanup activities are Level A, Level B, Level C and Level D protection.
Level A protection is required when the greatest potential for exposure to hazards exists for skin, respiratory, and eye protection. The personal protective equipment (PPE) must be gas-tight, vapor- tight and splash-resistant and it should be worn when there is a possible threat to life and health, or during operations dealing with an unknown hazard, such as during spill response and cleanup. For example during spill response and cleanup activities totally encapsulated chemical- and vapour-protective suits provide the maximum possible protection against all kinds
The use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), like plastic aprons, gloves footwear when handling contaminated items, including items contaminated with body fluids, and disposing of waste,
The purpose of PPE is to reduce employee exposure to hazards when engineering and administrative controls
You should wear the correct PPE for the job i.e LEV when working in a closed environment. Read all hazard boards.
Employees are required to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) at all time when located on project sites, except in designated rest areas, which will be determined by the site foreman. PPE includes:
Criteria 1.4: State why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used relating to types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to:
– collective protective measures– personal protective equipment (PPE)– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
5.4 Current regulations set out by the health and safety executive are, 1) Every employer shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any personal protective equipment provided to his employees by virtue of regulation 4 (1) is properly used. (2) Every employee shall use any personal protective equipment provided to them by virtue of these Regulations in accordance both with any training in the use of the personal protective equipment concerned which has been received by him and the instructions respecting that use which have been provided to him by virtue of regulation 9. (3) Every self-employed person shall make full and proper use of any personal protective equipment provided to him by virtue of regulation 4(2). (4) Every employee and self-employed person who has been provided with personal protective equipment by virtue of regulation 4 shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that it is returned to the accommodation provided for it after use
Equipment should be provided free of charge e.g. helmets employees must also be training to use all equipment needed in the workplace. Employers must have a risk assessment containing what each employee is exposed to, for how long and how much there exposed to. Employees must always ensure that employees wear PPE and ensure the PPE is suitable for all. PPE must be well maintained and if it’s reusable it must be kept in good condition. Employers must keep spare PPE and disposable suits for dirty jobs employees must be protected over there whole body including eyes head ears and hands emergency equipment must be supplied and training must be given for emergences like compressed-air escape breathing apparatus and safety ropes or
These regulations seeks to ensure that where the risks cannot be controlled by other means, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is correctly selected and used.
| State why and when health and safety control equipment, identified by the principles of protection, should be used relating to types, purpose and limitations of each type, the work situation, occupational use and the general work environment, in relation to:– collective protective measures– personal protective equipment (PPE)– respiratory protective equipment (RPE)– local exhaust ventilation (LEV).
Technical Review Comment no. 3 and 5 – As previously stated, the use of “Removal Management Decision” refers to an approach used under the EPA Removal Program and not necessarily under the EPA Remedial Program. As previously indicated, the hazard level threshold of 1 is appropriate.
If you are asked to wear gloves and safety glasses, or other PPE, you must wear them during
Since the birth of The Superfund Act there has been a fair amount of controversy in its effectiveness of hazardous waste site cleanup, but upon my research it appears to have had a great deal of success in the execution of its laws. Although each new administration brings a change of funding, or lack thereof, the EPA fights on
It is used where an environment is dangerous and a specific set of procedures are necessary. In my department the use of hazardous and toxic products is routine. As a leader it is a must to set strict rules and procedures that every team member must follow and work with. It is my responsibility to communicate and ensure that every individual wears the personal protective equipment provided by the company when working with hazardous and toxic products. Due to the investment in aviation maintenance, the majority of projects have to be completed in a short time even with the involvement of heavy workloads. In these situations motivation and passion of each and every individual tends to drop, and there is a tendency to cut corners. For example, team members tend to work in toxic environment without the personal protective equipment or the improper use of tools. In these situations as a leader it’s important to set achievable and realistic goals. In this manner you will motivate all the team mentally and even physically, so they will be able to achieve their goals. As a leader to keep my integrity is important. I have to be able to distinguish right from wrong when it comes to the decisions I make and even more when safety is involved. I have to make every individual in the team aware of the consequences they can end up with, if the personal protective equipment is not used when needed (Cherry,
These protection systems either helps in capturing the rocks or to control their trajectory once it has fallen down, they are of following types :