
Explain The Five Canons Of Rhetoric

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The five canons of rhetoric were created Roman times. These canons are in a way a stage formula for an effective creation and delivery of an argument. They are as follows; Invention, Disposition, Style, Memory, and Delivery. The first cannon is the canon of invention, in this stage of creating your argument in this stage you are inventing your argument asking yourself “What can I say to make the superlative argument possible?”. In the inventing the stage you're deciding your topic angle of persuasion and gathering the materials for your argument. It is necessary to be careful about what material is to be included in your argument. If you are using surveys or statistics they must be from a credible and well respected source, in the field that …show more content…

Your argument must be memorable not only to yourself but to your intended audience the more memorable your argument the more likely it will be passed on to those outside of the general audience where you first presented your argument. In this way allowing for the creation of more supporters. Also if you are delivering a speech you become more credible if you have your argument memorized then if you deliver your speech by reading from a prompter or papers that you Audiences instinctively Trust a person that can deliver an argument without any assistance from paper or technology. Fifth Cannon is delivery in this final stage of your argument and you need to ask yourself given the audience and situation what is the most effective way to deliver my argument. The delivery Canon refers to not only auditory portion of your argument but also your physical movements audience not only respond to your tone the volume at which you speak and the general rate of delivery of the argument but also your body language such as I contact movement around the stage and gesture you made make delivering your

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