
Explain In Detail The French Immersion Program

Decent Essays

Describe in detail the French Immersion Program for English Speaking students in Montreal and
Quebec Canada. 100 words minimum.
The French Immersion Program is a program that was started because parents in Canada wanted their English-speaking children to learn French to end segregation in the community. The Immersion program started in kindergarten, English-speaking children learned how to read in French first.
Language arts in English was introduced in second grade. Students could ask questions in English until they reached the first grade, after that it was French only. They added English into the classroom until classes were taught 60% in English and 40% in French. The studies found that children developed skills to listen and read in French but their speaking and writing was not as …show more content…

Overall, they were fluent and comfortable speaking French. These students did not fall behind in English or their other subjects.
2. According to the author, why is Baker and deKantor's proposal to substitute immersion for bilingual education in the US dangerous? 100 words minimum.
Substituting bilingual education with immersion would not be the most effective way to educate every child. The Lambert curriculum is actually a bilingual program because it is working towards developing academic language in both English and French. The Lambert approach is seen as additive bilingualism. These children are learning something new like any other subject. Whereas,

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