Week #1 Goal: Increase my fruit intake by 2-¼ cups/day. Plan Fruits I will buy fruits I can eat for breakfast and after dinner snacks. I will buy bananas, blueberries, apples, a papaya, and grapes and I will have an intake of one party cup of fruit per day, which is 18oz or 2 ¼ cups. Progress I was able to buy bananas, blueberries, apples, grapes and papaya. I like to eat the fruits raw, but I find that when I make shakes I get to intake more fruits. Sunday, since my bananas weren’t ready for my like to eat them raw, when I bought them, I decided to make shakes with bananas, frozen blueberries and milk and I think I found one of the best combinations ever. Monday, Thursday and Friday night I was able to eat 2 ¼ cups of grapes while I was …show more content…
Plan Potassium I will buy pigeon peas in order to cook 1 cup with rice for my lunch from Mod-Wed. In addition, I will eat 1-½ cup potatoes, mashed, for breakfast during this week. Progress Sunday I was too busy to cook; therefore I decided to drink a cup of concentrated orange juice as method of getting my potassium needs. I bought pigeon peas and cook them with rice. I made enough to get portions of 4 cups, after cooking, for 3 days. I also bought avocadoes, ¾ cup, for my lunch Monday and Tuesday. Now, I was not able to boil the potatoes in order to make my mash potatoes the morning of Friday because I was going to be late to go to school; nonetheless, I ate potatoes with fried cheese for dinner. Saturday I was too busy in order to make mash potatoes, so I decided to buy orange juice, approximately 16oz, which help me, getting potassium in my diet. Dairy I will buy yogurt that I will eat as a snack between lunch and dinner during the week. Also, I will add evaporated milk to my morning shakes. …show more content…
I honestly was not going to be able to eat the spinach raw, I am not Popeye; therefore, I decided to add lime and salt to ½ cup of spinach, during three days, and I ate it with rice from Monday to Wednesday. Potassium I will drink orange juice, which will help me reach my potassium needs and fruits. Progress I bought a can of Tang orange juice, which I prepared and drank Sunday, but after reading the nutrition label I did not find potassium listed; as a result, I bought a pineapple and made a juice, which I was able to drink approximately a 16oz glass from Monday to Wednesday with lunch. In addition, I ate one banana every morning and ½ cup of raisins on Wednesday as a snack. Dairy I will eat at least two light mozzarella cheese strings per day as a snack. I will eat a yogurt or cereal with 2% fat milk for breakfast. Progress On Sunday and Monday I was able to eat 2 (0.83oz) light mozzarella cheese strings each day, but I end up with none for the rest of the week; as a result, I decided to just eat my 6oz yogurt each morning with my banana. Wednesday I drank a glass of 2% milk of approximately 16oz for dinner. Lastly, Thursday, I ate 2oz of tropical fried cheese as part of my dinner. Overall, I was able to get some of my dairy intake, but I did not meet my
Based on a 24 Hour Recall of my diet, results using NutriCalc Plus report that my food intake lacked a healthy balance of all food groups. My Grain intake reached only 60% of the My Plate daily recommendations. My Vegetable intake was a mere 50% of the recommended servings. Additionally, I consumed 84% of the daily recommendations for the Dairy Group. Nonetheless, I did exceed the recommendations for the Fruit Group and Protein Group with intakes of 155% and 107%, respectively.
Over the weekend my intake of calories ranged between 1900-2500 which is above the recommended amount. Even with my activity level taken into account, this should have caused me to gain more weight than 10 pounds over a one year period. The time that my diet was recorded, I may have eaten more than I usually do. For day 1, I ate an more fat than recommended, which was not over by much because it was 15%. On the second day I ate 40% fat, which is over the 30% recommended. On the third day, my fat intake was 32%, which is once again, over the daily recommended. I have been eating in the range of the recommended proteins and carbohydrates on the other days. My water intake 7 cups a day on average, but I need to consume more fruits and vegetables.
According to “Got Your Dairy Today?,” three foods that are not part of the dairy food group are butter, cream, and regular cream cheese. They all contain minimal or no calcium and are high in saturated fat. In order to get calcium along with one’s morning boost of caffeine, order or make your coffee, cappuccino, or latte with 1% (low-fat) milk or skim
Day 1 of recording my food intake that Moring I had a small bowl of frosted flakes cereal with 2 percent milk. For lunch, just a glass of water with lemons and bad of hot fries. Throughout the day, I had a few snacks blue raspberry snow cone, ice-cream cone from dairy queen and four-piece chicken nuggets from Wendy’s for dinner I had fully loaded nachos with chicken and beef, lettuce, sour cream, beans, guacamole, tomatoes and shredded cheese and later that night I had a hot dog without the wiener and just chili and cheese.
Does your diet meet the minimum number of servings of foods from each fiber-containing group? If not, which of the fiber-containing groups—fruits and vegetables—fell short of the recommended intake?
This paper will focus on some important nutrients that are important for general health: fiber and protein. My personal daily intake will be analyzed to determine what foods are providing the right type of proteins and fiber, and how food consumption might be adjusted to provide for a healthier nutrient intake. It is important to state at the outset that the nutrient intake that is being used for this analysis is only for a one-day period. However, it will provide some insight into my eating habits and how those habits might be improved from a scientific standpoint.
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
Usual diet consist of a large amount of carbs and sugars, low amounts of protein and fat
DAY ONE: One slice protein bread, fish or shellfish, grapefruit and coffee or tea (no sugar or honey, no cream, no milk)
To maintain optimal health through a balanced diet it is important to keep the intake of macronutrients within the recommended ranges. The effects of eating too many macronutrients or not enough can cause under-nourishment or over-nourishment. “Over-nutrition occurs when long term human energy intake exceeds energy expended on basal metabolism, digestion, work and leisure” (Huffman, Huffman, Rickertsen, & Tegene, 2010, p. 5). Over-nutrition of any nutrient in some instances can create toxicity in the human body that may result in future morbidity. The macronutrient intake during the 3-day-diet ranges both inside and outside of the
As much as possible, eat protein with low levels of saturated fat such as fish, chicken, turkey, tofu, egg whites, and low-fat dairy products.
Changes that I would make among my vegetables, fruits, meat and meat alternatives and grain choices to increase my fiber intake would be to eat whole fruits instead of drinking fruit juice,
The American Justice System has been using the death penalty, also known as capital punishment, as a way to serve a prisoner's sentence usually due to the crime of murder. The death penalty in the American Justice System has been used for many years now. Although in 18 states the death penalty has already been abolished, there are still 32 states where it is still legal. The death penalty should not be legal in the American Justice System, because it is immoral, unjust, and ineffective.
If you are currently putting in efforts to lose weight, you must consider including some lemons, oranges, and