
Experiencing The Body

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In Marcel Mauss's article titled "Techniques of the Body," he discusses how the various techniques of the body vary amongst different societies, in addition to how they are culturally transmitted and acquired. As a result of these variations throughout different cultures, Mauss developed a belief of the social nature of the habitus, which refers to the physical characteristics of a person. He believes that these habits "do not just vary with individuals and their imitations, they vary between societies, educations, proprieties and fashions, prestiges (Page 73)." Further, Mauss believes that we should see the techniques and work of collective and individual reason instead of just the soul and its repetitive capabilities. Mauss states that what takes place is a highly respected imitation, and that therefore, "the child, the adult, imitates actions which have succeeded and which he has seen successfully performed by people in whom he has confidence and who have authority over him (Page 73)." By successful, Mauss means that people want to copy other people's …show more content…

The main focus of her article is to show and explain how women's ideals of how their physical appearance should be has changed over time. The size and shape of women's breasts have become an important factor when considering female attractiveness. There has recently been increased enthusiasm for large breasts, resulting in a lot of competition for customers in women's magazines and the beauty industry for customers who want to transform their figures into a top-heavy shape. However, "representations of new breast styles are only meant to boost consumerism (Page 272)." As an additional result of the transformation of the body, consumer goods and services have quickly become much more common to fulfill this

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