
Exemplification Essay: The Spread Of Cancer

Decent Essays

The world as we know it is full of giants: people, corporations, or diseases that stand looming and ominous over our lives. They may appear incredibly intimidating, but this is only at an immediate glance. Look past the rough and horrifying exterior of these giants, and you can see that they can be beaten with a combination of skill and cunning. For some people, this giant is cancer. This unforgiving disease ruins and takes millions of lives every single year, despite the countless dollars and hours that go into finding a cure. The thought of having cancer, or a loved one having cancer is absolutely devastating, as it is a very hard giant to defeat. However, with lots of effort and strive, it sometimes can be taken down. One person who learned this was my “aunt”, Lorraine Frankel. At the age of 38, my Aunt Lorraine discovered that she unfortunately had stage one colon cancer. At first, she followed normal protocol to eliminate the insidious disease, having the tumor, as well as some lymph nodes to prevent spreading, removed. Despite the fact that this treatment alone …show more content…

After four long years of more-or-less good news, the doctor was happy to announce that Lorraine was officially cancer free. She was still unconvinced; she begged and pleaded for more tests and scans to make sure that she truly had beaten this horrible giant. But the doctor still did not comply; he wholly believed that she was free from this disease. Suddenly, my aunt had remembered a specific cyst of interest on her liver that was found on some of her first scans. The fact that it had not changed told the doctors it was of no concern, but using this as a point of persuasion, the doctor agreed to run another scan. The results of this were devastating, her colon cancer had spread into her liver, but if it wasn’t for her incessant pleading, who knows how late it would’ve been

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