
Exegesis Of Proverbs 31 - The Qualities Of Good Entrepreneurs

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Exegesis of Proverbs 31 Woman
The qualities of good entrepreneurs are closely analogous to those found in Proverbs 31:10-31. The pericope, Proverbs 31 is perceived extraordinarily and equivocally, since it proposes that a capable wife is tough to find and still the verse immediately continues to praise one. This one woman may be the ‘perfect’ wife that one man cannot find. Still, even if she is a challenge to find, she is probably working hard to achieve that patriarchal goal. Verses 14 and 16 describe that a woman working hard everywhere is like doing everything that needs to be done. In verses 12, 15b, 20, 21b, 24b, and 27a, a woman works hard starting from sunrise (verse 15a) to sundown (verse 18b). Many societies might well be apprehensive that Proverbs 31:10-31 describes an immaculate and inventive woman was designed in a patriarchal perspective.
These above apprehensions are genuine. Still, there is a lot to understand what the Scripture is actually saying. Passing the life of the biblical world through the fire of homiletical thought tells me more, however, than just apprehensions about patriarchy in Proverbs 31:10-31. Truthfully, while focusing on the biblical world and the specific world of Proverbs, I discover there are two significant elements about that particular verse which describes the proficient wife where she looks after her family and home. Below are my two exegetical observations:
First, this Proverbs 31 painstaking woman is exactly described as

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