
Examples Of Suffering In The Odyssey

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Suffering and Odysseus “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward”– Rocky Balboa. Pain and suffering are often thought of as things to avoid, but maybe we should think about it differently. Is suffering bad for you, or is it an opportunity to develop an extraordinary life? Every hero, real and fictional, went through adversity to get there. We want to see someone who struggles like us or has their cause forced upon them. Someone who is down, but manages to stand up and keep fighting. Even Superman, struggled with love and emotion. He struggled with being an outsider despite being physically perfect. That's what gives Superman depth as a character. And if Batman, was just a crime fighting …show more content…

The power of nature had unleashed the ocean and winds against Odysseus, blowing him to an island that would test his body. Odysseus covets his return home, and the embrace of his wife, but he is incapable of achieving either. The intoxicating lotus-eater Circe trapped him for a year and the beautiful Calypso for seven years. During that time, Odysseus partakes in temptations of the flesh of which he has no will power to control. He is no match for the will of the supernatural entities of which caused him great suffering. Odysseus became a prisoner to Circe, poisoned by the false reality of the lotus flower. Odysseus's body was also weak in the face of Calypso. Despite the profound love of which Odysseus had for his wife Penelope, he was unable to resist Calypso's advances. Her beauty is as hypnotic as the poison of the lotus flower. Odysseus was no longer a prisoner of any substance, but he had now fallen on the clutches of Calypso's temptation. Calypso's beauty was divine, and her grasp was tight around Odysseus's lust. At times, individuals seek to end the suffering of a broken heart by plunging into the arms of another. Having no method of escape, Odysseus became a prisoner on Calypso's island, a prisoner whose sole purpose was to please Calypso. Odysseus succumbs to the sexual enslavement of Calypso. What to him felt like days of sexual slavery, in reality were many …show more content…

Other men seek to take the fruits of his labor. They hope that he is dead and will never return. The suitors to Penelope seek to inherit his kingdom. They want to consume the goods of the fortune of which Odysseus created. Man deals more suffering to himself than any other creature. Man enslaves man so that he may flourish and live on the work of others. Others seek to claim his fortune. They seek to claim his wife, his property, and to kill his legacy.
Suffering in The Odyssey occurs to other characters besides Odysseus. Penelope suffers for twenty years without knowing whether her beloved Odysseus is alive or dead. Odysseus' son, Telemachus endures the suffering of the search for his father, the humiliation of the suitors who make advances at his mother. Pain and suffering are needed in The Odyssey to make individuals into stronger, wiser, and more educated individuals. Penelope's suffering elevates her fortitude. Telemachus' suffering guides him into

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