
Examples Of Cruelty In The Odyssey

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Throughout time people have been known to show both cruelty and kindness towards others. In the epic poem The Odyssey by Homer Odysseus goes on a twenty year journey and encounters many difficulties along the way. He encounters situations where his men get killed and not only by people but extraordinary forces. In some situations, his crew disobeys his orders which leads to negative consequences. However, in other situations humans as well as Gods support them. Throughout the epic Odysseus encounters characters such as The Lotus Eaters, Cyclops, and Circe who show that mortals and gods are a mixture of both cruelty and kindness. After drifting for nine days out in the dangerous seas Odysseus's men were thrilled to find land on the island of the Lotus Eaters. The men are welcomed by them “who showed no will to do[them]harm” (205). Which shows that they are being kind and welcoming. However, their presumed kindness unfortunately leads to an unexpected outcome and the men are now “forgetful of their homeland” (210). The Lotus Eater deceived the men into eating the lotus and the result was that they didn't want to leave. So Odysseus then, “[drags] them, all three wailing to the ships, /[and] tied them down under the rowing benches” (211). Odysseus cares very much for his men and could have …show more content…

Odysseus and his men were expecting to be treated with hospitality but the Cyclops showed just the opposite as he “dismembered them and made them his meal” (281). So instead he is cruel to them when he violently rips the apart and eats them. Even though Odysseus’s men are now dead, Odysseus still shows kindness to the Cyclops by asking if he wanted to “try some wine” (343). But, Odysseus quickly turns his back on the Cyclops as he takes a spear and “(rams) it deep in his crater eye” (377). So, Odysseus deceives the Cyclops by being kind then later being

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