
Examples Of Odysseus As An Epic Hero

Decent Essays

Odysseus As An Epic Hero Odysseus faces many trials, that has made a foundation for him as a hero. A few heroistic features that Odysseus exhibits throughout his journey include perseverance, strength, and courage. On the other hand, Odysseus can also be boastful and unforgiving to those who maybe weren’t the best of people. Overall, Odysseus is a hero because of his love for his family and the protection he provides them.
Odysseus is a epic hero because he shows strength against temptation. A time Odysseus showed endurance was when he was faced with the Sirens. Homer illustrated one of Odysseus’ many endeavors by saying, “The lovely voices in ardor appealing over the water,/ made me crave to listen, and I tried to say,/ ‘Untie me!’ to the

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