
Examples Of Observation Of Group Work

Decent Essays

On Monday, March 2nd from 4:00pm – 6:00pm I observed a client in the Nazareth College OT Clinic in Carrol Hall. The client that I observed this week is the same client that I have observed in the previous weeks. The client is a fourteen year old female with no current diagnosis. The client has difficulties with muscle tone and strength in her arms and possibly her legs and this is effecting her everyday life. In the evaluation, her mother expressed that she wanted her daughter to work on brushing her hair. Due to the low muscle tone and strength in the client’s arms, she cannot lift her arm up for more than a few seconds before it is fatigued. The client is small for her age and also speaks very quietly. During her appointment the senior OT students played some floor games with the …show more content…

First the client got comfortable with the swing sitting on top of it and pumping her legs to swing then hung off of the swing upside down using her arms and legs to hold her up. The major activity that we did with the swing involved the client sitting with the bolster between her legs. The therapist asked me to hand the client, a distance away from her and at different angles, different colored small fruit pieces then the client was asked to sort the different colored pieces into a dish that the other student was holding. The client was also asked to take the pieces with her right hand from me and cross over the midline to hand it to the other student. I believe that this activity was incredibly beneficial for the client because not only was it fun for the client, but it addressed many of the difficulties that the client is working toward improving on. By having the client reach for the pieces she was fully extending her arms as well as build up her endurance with holding her arms extended. Having the client cross the midline improves the bilateral

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