
Examples Of Mercutio To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Out of all the people in Romeo & Juliet, who do you think carries the most blame for Romeo & Juliet’s untimely deaths? Some people argue that the most to blame was Friar Lawrence, while others believe it was the Servant. However, after reading the story, it is evident that the person to blame was Mercutio because he persuaded Romeo to go to the party, pushed Tybalt to fight him, and cursed both households. First, Mercutio carries most blame for Romeo & Juliet’s untimely deaths because he persuaded Romeo to go to the Capulet party and in turn, caused Romeo to meet Juliet. For instance, use the following quote from Mercutio (Shakespeare, RJ, 1.4). 17-18), “You are a lover, borrow Cupids wings & soar with them above a common bound.” Mercutio is gently taunting Romeo about his mood and ideas of love. From Mercutio taunting Romeo, it pushes Romeo to attend the party by telling him to meet other girls. Seeing other girls would make him forget about Rosaline. In addition, there are still two other reasons why Mercutio is to blame for the couple’s deaths. …show more content…

Using the following quotes from Mercutio (Shakespeare, RJ, 3.1). 75-79), “Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your nine lives,” and, “Will you pluck your sword out of his pilcher by the ears? Make haste, lest mine be about your ears, ere it be out.” From these quotes, you can see that Mercutio was pressuring Tybalt to fight him. This would later cause other events to unfold throughout the story. These events include fueling the feud between the households, Romeo fighting and killing Tybalt out of revenge, etc. Furthermore, there is one more reason why Mercutio was to blame for Romeo & Juliet’s

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