
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Stuck between a rock and a hard place. Or should I say stuck between Charybdis and Scylla. Without loyalty to his crew his crew might learn to not trust their leader and not work with him to achieve his goals. As readers can see in The Odyssey by Homer, translated by Robert Fagles, the necessity of loyalty diminishes if the sender or receiver isn’t deserving of this necessary trait. Throughout the poem, Odysseus treats his crew progressively worse and worse on his 10 year trip to reach his home, Ithaca. This diminishes his crew's loyalty to him. However, unaccepting of his consequences Odysseus pushes his crew until the end. Although Odysseus may appear loyal to his crew at times because of what Odysseus does, his actions prove that his is …show more content…

His crew seems to think there is “gold and silver” (9.50) in the sack, and thought Odysseus was taking all the “heaps of lovely plunder” (9.45). This shows that his crew already isn’t trusting him and believe that he is not sharing everything. If he had just told his crew what was in the sack in the first place they would have already been back to Ithaca. After the Bag-O’-Wind incident, Odysseus again shows his deficient communication skills with “no mention of Scylla”(12.242). If he had told his crew about Scylla they could have been more prepared and had a better chance at surviving. Instead he choose not to because he didn’t want to panic and would rather them die so he can get home. After losing 6 men here Odysseus once again shows his unclear communication skills, when Odysseus himself tells his crew not to kill the herds of the sun god “or we will pay the price” (12.346). If the Odysseus had put himself in a position where he would deserve loyalty his crew would still be alive. Also if Odysseus had better communication skills and flat out told his crew that they were going to die by the gods wrath, but the way Odysseus communicates his crew makes them disloyal to him. Ultimately the Odysseus communicates to his crew costs their lives, showing that Odysseus does not deserve his crew's

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