
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Trustworthiness, reliability, devotion, all of these words relate back to one subject, loyalty. The act of loyalty can be described as having a strong feeling to support and show allegiance to a certain cause. In The Odyssey by Homer, the thematic subject, loyalty, is shown when Odysseus refuses to stay with Circe until his men are freed, when Odysseus’ men refuse to untie him from his boat, and when Odysseus’ servants stay committed to him even when he is away from Ithaca.
The first example of loyalty occurs when Odysseus denies Circe’s offer of any hospitable treatment until his men are released. When Odysseus goes into Circe’s home she immediately becomes attracted to the powerful aura that surrounds him. Circe bathes, clothes, and begins to feed Odysseus but her actions are stopped when Odysseus does not eat. When Circe questions him about his actions Odysseus answers with, “ O’ Circe …show more content…

When Odysseus returns home to Ithaca after many years he finds his old servants. After sneaking around as a beggar for the majority of the time Odysseus finally decides that he should reveal himself to those who were loyal to him. In this scene, Odysseus pulls the two men outside and begins to question them. The author writes, “if Odysseus were to come back suddenly would you be the sort of man to defend him?” (Homer 21.125-127) Odysseus’ loyal servants then answer with “O father Zeus, would that you might fulfill this very wish- may that man come, and led on by some God. Then you would know the kind of strength I have and how many hands can show my power.” (Homer 21.130-134) The second quote shows loyalty because the men pledged their allegiance in front of a man whom they didn't even know and risked their safety by doing so. These acts show trustworthiness and reliability which are key factors with

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