
Examples Of Justice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Justice. The quality of being fair and reasonable. This wonderful quality certainly makes the world a better place to live. Many different characters show justice in the novel To Kill A Mockingbird. In the novel, Atticus, who is a lawyer, shows his trust and appreciation to a black man named Tom Robinson while the rest of the town doesn’t. Another example of fairness occurs during the school year. Out of sadness, Jem invites a poor school boy named Walter over to his house for dinner even though he does not know him very well. Once again, Justice takes place when Calpurnia invites the kids, Scout and Jem, to her church even though the children are white. Justice certainly works in many great ways in To Kill A Mockingbird, people, and the …show more content…

Tom was charged in raping a young girl named Mayella Ewell. Atticus, believing that Tom never did anything wrong, shows his trust by gladly accepting the job as Tom’s lawyer. Eventually, one summer day, the trial started. Near the end of the day, Atticus delivered a wonderful speech explaining that Tom clearly made himself innocent and do not just take the Ewell’s side because of their color. “Before I quit, Thomas Jefferson once said that all men are created equal,” Atticus stated. He knew that Tom did not commit that crime and he would do everything he could to protect him. Another justice takes place as Jem walks home from school one afternoon. At that time, Jem’s younger sister, Scout, started picking on a poor boy at their school named Walter Cunningham because he had no lunch. Jem started feeling sorry for Walter and suddenly had a bright idea. “Come over for dinner with us, Walter,” he said. “We’d be glad to have you.” To invite someone you don’t even know to your house for dinner certainly shows your personality in a great way. That was a very nice thing to

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