
Examples Of Irrational Meaning

Decent Essays

Irrationally Rational
Alice Khalitov

My true value as an individual depends on what others presume about myself.
For as long as I can remember I’m sure several times I have thought this way.
Mostly what you believe comes from your perception of the world. Whether it be the opinion of a friend or that article you just read. Everyone, whether it be a grown adult or a two year old kid, has irrational thoughts.

In the short story “A Day’s Visit”, Ernest Hemingway shows an example of irrational thought.
A boy is convinced he’s slowly dying since his temperature is too high. His confusion comes from the fact he didn’t know about Fahrenheit average human temperature vs. Celsius average. This comes to show how a lack of knowledge can completely change your thoughts. Let’s say you saw an advertisement of your favorite celebrity promoting something. Instantly you want to buy that certain product just for the reason that it seems that they like it. This is an everyday example of irrational thought. Can you now recognize your …show more content…

It’s such a modern world, everywhere you turn, someone’s telling you to do it this way or think this way. You’ll have these thoughts that you necessarily need to be loved by everyone rather than loving everyone else. Or that you are obliged to be perfect and always being important, that it will drive you senseless. The first step to rationality is to take your irrational thoughts and instead of ignoring them change them. If you start to consider, “There’s always a precise and perfect solution to problems, and it’s catastrophic not to find it.” Change your mindset to, “The world is full of probability and chance, and I can enjoy life even though there isn’t an ideal solution to every problem.” Which brings us back to rationality. You will have irrational thoughts due to your beliefs and emotions and attitude. Nevertheless, you can find your way back to the world and not find yourself stuck in your own

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