
Examples Of Intersections Of Multiple Measures

Decent Essays

Examples of intersections of multiple measures in education: Intersection of two measures (Bernhardt): Is there a relationship between project-based learning (School Process) and the perceptions of students of the learning environment (Perceptions)? What is the relationship between student attendance (Demographics) and ACT Aspire scores (Student Learning)? Intersection of three measures (Bernhardt): Does project based learning (School Processes) increase post-secondary success (Student Learning) of different genders (Demographics) in STEM (School Processes)? How does an increase in remediation availability (School Processes) for ethnicities (Demographics) lead to an increase ACT scores (Student Learning)? Can vertical curriculum alignment (School Processes) upset teacher moral (Perceptions) offsetting standards benchmark mastery (Student Learning)? Intersection of four measures (Bernhardt) : How do the different attitudes (Perceptions) between girls and boys (Demographics) in different engineering classes (School Processes) reflect on summative assessments (Student Learning)? How does teacher empowerment (Perceptions) by offering professional development choice (School Processes) on formative assessment tools (Student Learning) utilized in the classroom relate to student enrollment (Demographics)? Will community perceptions (Perceptions) and school board policy (School Processes) on the use of GO MATH assessment (Student Learning) in k-5 influence the longitudinal

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