
Examples Of Internal Conflict In Frankenstein

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Frankenstein Some ways that internal conflict was in the story, Frankenstein is with Victor. Victor had internal conflict with himself about when creating the creature and the death of his friends and family. For example, Victor feels very guilty and that he caused the his little brother William and his younger sister, Justine. William was killed by the creature holding William by the neck and suffocating him. Justine was then convicted for the death of William, founded guilty and hung to her death. Next, Victor’s dear friend Clerval was murdered by the creature, the same was William was killed, this time, this left Victor getting sick and shaking at the sight of his dead friend. Finally, Victor was having a conflict with himself about creating the creature a mate. Victor was wanting the creature gone, but then he did not want the creature to have a mate to reproduce with, then ended up destroying the work he has begun. …show more content…

The first conflict was Clerval going to Ingolstadt with Victor. He tried to persuade his father to allow him to study at Ingolstadt with Victor, but instead his father was not convinced. He saw nothing but destroyed hope and ambitions in Clerval. Another conflict was Victor going to Perth with his dear friend Clerval. He agreed with going to Perth at first with Clerval, but then he told Clerval he would like to tour Scotland alone. The final conflict was with the creature and Victor. After the creature killing Victor’s wife Elizabeth on their honeymoon. Victor, who had a pistol on him, attempted to shoot at the creature. The creature swiftly dodged the bullet and led Victor on the chase, which led Victor to dying on Robert Wilson’s

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