
Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Injustice- Tom Robinson- Onomatopoeia- Infamy- Avert- Brine Tom Robinson is the perfect example for the theme Injustice. He is found guilty of a crime he did not commit. Surprisingly, it was his compassionate and kind nature that put him as risk for this accusation. He did not portray any bitterness about his situation on the stand or let them see the brine (word power) of his tears. That alone shows his kind and respectful nature helping a white girl not knowing the consequences he would face, or that he would be the infamy (word power) of the town. Mayella came on to him when he was trying to help her, she kissed him but he quickly averted (word power) his face away as he realized what she wanted from him in the first place. When he was

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