
Examples Of Informative Self Critique

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Informative Self-Critique As with most things in life, my speech did not go exactly as I had planned. Overall, my speech met the requirements, but I believe I could have done better. I think that it was a good idea to open my speech with a question in order to grab the audience’s attention. My introduction properly opened the speech with a summary of the main points, as well as a thesis statement. The bad thing about my introduction was that I forgot a few words in the beginning. Because of this, my thought process got off of track and I stuttered on a few sentences. My speech was not perfect, but it was effective. The main points in my speech helped to support my thesis statement. They all had facts and sources to make my speech more reliable …show more content…

It communicated new knowledge to the audience about O.C.D. In my opinion, my speech did benefit the audience. It showed them that not everyone in the world acts the same as them and that it is good to be aware of other people’s situations. The main message that I hope they received from my speech was that you never truly know everything a person is going through and you should always be respectful of others, even and especially when you don’t know their full story. The greatest strengths of my speech were how I pulled my main topics together with subtopics to provide more details and how I used nonverbal communication to keep the audience interested. With these strengths being said, there were also mistakes in my speech because after all, I am only human. If I had a chance to redo my speech, I would try to fix these mistakes. I would talk a little bit louder; I would practice in front of a family member before giving my speech to the class so that I would be less nervous and not forget so much of my speech; I would add pictures to my powerpoint or have another visual aid to make my speech more interesting and grab the audience’s attention. All of the things I would change are mainly small things. Even though my speech could have better, it was effective in my opinion, and that is the most important

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