
Examples Of Infidelity In Othello

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In Act 3 Scene 4, William Shakespeare highlights the intense confrontation between Othello and Desdemona as Othello indirectly accuses his wife of being unfaithful to their marriage. Through the symbolism of the handkerchief, Othello attempts to prove Desdemona's infidelity. Given, in the eyes of Othello, the handkerchief represents her chastity, losing it signifies her adultery. Altogether, this climactic conflict was made possible by Shakespeare's inclusion of dramatic irony as Iago's scheming effectively unfolds. Building up to the meeting, Desdemona asks her attendant, "Where should I lose that handkerchief Emilia?", to which Emilia replies, "I know not, Madam" (III.iv.13-14). Notably, this conversation demonstrates the usage of dramatic …show more content…

She emphasizes as well that Othello's jealousy and irrational suspicion feeds on itself. Thus, it only takes a seed of doubt before it grows into an insuppressible obsession. With this in mind, Emilia's character is proven to be more complex since her warning displays her genuine concern for Desdemona yet her betrayal of stealing the handkerchief for Iago makes her loyalty to Desdemona questionable. Accordingly, this demonstrates that she follows Iago only because of her wifely duty, but her true loyalty resides with Desdemona. Notably, proving that Shakespeare's social commentary about Emilia's internal conflict is brought upon by highlighting the difficulty of being a woman during the Elizabethan era. Torn between society obliging her to devote her life to pleasing her ungrateful husband and her integrity of remaining loyal to the people she truly cares about, such as Desdemona, Shakespeare evokes to accentuate the sacrifices women in the late 1500s had to endure. Furthermore, Emilia's ambiguous loyalty best connects to the theme Appearance v. Reality. Her conflicting loyalty results from her duality both to Desdemona and Iago. On one side, Desdemona fully trusts Emilia and fails to see her crucial role in the handkerchief scheme. On the other, Iago underestimates his own wife. Despite her submissiveness, she's the only one who can ultimately cause Iago's downfall.

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