
Examples Of Hypocrisy In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Enforcing religious moral codes in societies can lead to a total disregard of these codes through hypocrisy.
Adopting religious codes can leave for no “wiggle room” in morally fuzzy areas - like accusations of witchcraft. In Athur Miller’s The Crucible, living in a strict, religious society had life or death consequences for many people.
In writing The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Frederick Douglass exposes the hypocrisy of the religious side of slavery. In Christianity, Sunday is a day for the Lord. Christians should not do any work and use the day to honour God. Douglass sees the hypocrisy in the way his owners and overseers regard this belief. Slaves can relax on Sundays, but Douglass lacks the energy …show more content…

Especially with regard to his slaveholders, he observes that “... the religion of the south is a mere covering for the most horrid crimes, …. For of all slaveholders with whom I have ever met, religious slaveholders are the worst.” Douglass says that slaveholders claim to be on the side of God and uphold religious beliefs, but in reality they are doing the opposite. Not only do they take away the value they hold to their religion by being slaveholders, they use their religion as an excuse to be cruel. The slaveholders who are the cruelest to their slaves, all the while preaching religion, are most often respected in society. This is yet another example of how a society with religious codes can be a place for hypocrites to roam …show more content…

During his winter break, Thompson spends a week at church camp every year. Taking into consideration that it is a church camp and all of the children there come from fairly religious upbringings, you would think that the people there are nice. If you imagine a church camp, you might imagine an open and welcoming environment. That’s what religious codes should do - create safe spaces for people to live in. Despite the preaching of kindness towards one another, most of the teens at the church camp were actively unkind. Thompson writes, “Something about being rejected at church camp felt so much more awful than being rejected in school”, which is his way of showing he knows how they should act. In other words, bullies at a church camp is hypocrisy. The bullies use their religion as a defense mechanism, like Douglass’ slaveholders. Thompson’s religious raising was not necessarily by

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