
Examples Of Hypocrisy In The Crucible

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Hypocrisy throughout Puritanism Puritans, although seeking to purify the churches, were hypocrites in the ways of seeking wealth, and a higher status. The laws by which they were to uphold, were only followed through by some. Some puritans, when in a dire situation, sought to bring other individuals down just to keep their own reputation. The existence of hypocrisy throughout not only the church-goers , and the churches but also the laws by which they abide is the base on which The Crucible lies. The churchgoers play a huge role in hypocrisy throughout The Crucible. While their beliefs include modesty and performing good deeds guarantees you a pathway to Heaven, many puritans would often perform a sin and then blame another individual to protect their own reputation and to deem themselves worthy of entering Heaven. (#). The biggest example of hypocrisy withins churchgoer is Abigail Williams. When Abigail is questioned on her involvement with witchcraft and the devil, she is quick to turn the blame when she tells Reverend Parris, “She (Tituba) sends her spirit on me in church; she makes me laugh at prayer! She comes to me every night to go and drink blood!” (#). Abigail is falsely accusing Tituba of actions she has not committed, and when Tituba tells Reverend Parris that none of it is true, Abigail calls Tituba a liar. The hypocrisy within this is evident as Abigail not only turned all of her blame onto an innocent individual, but she yells at Tituba for lying when Abigail

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