
Examples Of Heroism In Catcher In The Rye

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The depiction of Thomas More in A Man for all Seasons written by Robert Bolt and Holden Caulfield in Catcher in the Rye written by J.D. Salinger is unconventionally heroic. Thomas More exemplifying an existential hero and Holden Caulfield an anti-hero. Thomas More and Holden Caulfield’s heroism will be proven by referring to the characteristics of the different heroic types as well More and Holden’s actions and discourse.

To begin with one should examine what precisely the idea of heroic and hero embodies. According to Bryan II (1982:139) in his book, Who decides? for one to be heroic one must be virtuoso and fearless. It is to push back the frontline and overthrow the adversaries. To be the front-runner of a revolution and to conquer the …show more content…

During the novel Holden lies to cover up his real feelings or as an excuse to not tell the truth. In Chapter 3 Holden says, “I’m the most terrific liar…” he continues by saying how frequently he lies to get himself out of trouble (Salinger, 2010:17). After Holden is expelled he decides to leave Pency and life it up for three days in New York because he cannot stay longer. Holden cannot go home sooner because he’s not feel like telling the truth to his parents (Salinger, 2010: 54). Holden choses to do the wrong thing because it is easier than to stay at Pency till Wednesday or to face his parents. Holden is contradictory he says, “I’m quite illiterate but I read a lot.” (Salinger, 2010:19). One cannot be illiterate if you read a lot. Holden is even more contradictory when he speaks of Allie in heaven but admitted that he is an atheist (Salinger, 2010:107). It is clear that Holden’s words and actions are contradictory when he says that the movies are phony but attends the movies a few times during the three days (Salinger, 2010:30).Holden’s character is riddled with dishonesty, wrong choices, and contradictions and true to an

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