
Similarities Between Jay Gatsby And Holden Caulfield

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Holden Caulfield and Jay Gatsby are both phonies , Holden caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger complains about everyone and everything and he hides his real emotions so no one can see who he really is and get close to him. Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald lies about his past to be with daisey , leaving everyone in his past behind. Holden Caulfield is phonier than Jay Gatsby because he lies to people to make him seem more interesting or make someone feel sorry for him , he also lies to cover help how he really feels , and he lies because he's just bored and does it for fun. Holden doesn't have many friends nor does he connect with a lot of people throughout the whole book he tries to talk to …show more content…

You did,"..."Daddy'll kill you!"{ Salinger 165}. Holden gets into a real weird situation with a striper which leads him into an even more horrible situation , but Holden isn't too good with situation like that so he lies to the stripper so they won't have to have sex "The thing is, I had an operation very recently."..."On my wuddayacallit--my clavichord."{ Salinger 96}. When holden get into bad situations he acts weird and lies to cover himself up. Holden doesn't always lie for a reason sometimes he just is bored and alone so he says stuff to people to make them pay more attention to him“They kept asking me if I was sure I could afford it and all. I told them I had quite a bit of money with me.”{Fitzgerald 59} Holden really didn't have a reason to lie to the nuns , he was trying to be nice to give and help them because they were the only people who actually listened but he still ended up lying to them. Holden even says himself he doesnt really have reasons to lie he just lies to do it “Im the most teffric liar you ever saw , in your life”{Fitzgerald 16}. He cant stop lying he just does it because he's bored. Jay Gatsby lies about how he got his money and , leaving everyone in his past behind. Gatsby says he comes from wealth “I am the son of some wealthy people in the Middle West all dead now. I was brought up in America but educated at Oxford, because all my ancestors have been educated there for many years. It is a family

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