
Examples Of Foreshadowing In The Count Of Monte Cristo

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Margaret Atwood once said, “An eye for an eye only leads to more blindness.” When people decide to use vengeance, it often can destroy a person's life. Most people who try to avenge themselves usually end up all corrupted and horrible because they get too caught up in their vengeance plan. In the Count of Monte Cristo, Alexandre Dumas uses irony and foreshadowing to convey a theme of vengeance. For example, in The Count of Monte Cristo, the author uses irony to show how devastating vengeance can be and how blind vengeance can make you, especially if taken too far. The Count is a man who is playing the role of God, And part of his vengeance plan is to emotionally hurt Monsieur de Villefort. There is a murderer in his house who is poisoning a

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