
Examples Of Death In Death Of A Salesman

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After the boys abandon their father in a restaurant for dates with women they have picked up, she fiercely attacks both of them: "You're a pair of animals! Not one, not another living soul would have had the cruelty to walk out on that man in a restaurant!" (98). Linda knows her Willy is a common man and as good as many other people. She thinks he deserves at least the respect of his own sons: "Attention, attention must finally paid to such a person !" (40). Perhaps Linda expresses the idea that Miller suggests us to think about. On the contrary, when Willy cannot stand the bitterness of the reality, he goes back to the past and Charley appears in his mind: Schneider "the technique of psychic projection, of hallucination, of the guilty expression of forbidden wishes dramatized." (252) On one hand, Charley stands in contradiction to everything Willy believes in. He knows what Willy was in the past. He even tries to make Willy a man of success and thereby restore Willy's dignity. His humanity and lack of illusion enable him to penetrate Willy's mind and points out Willy’s weak points: "Why must everybody like you? Who liked J. P. Morgan? Was he impressive? In a Turkish bath he'd look like a butcher. But with his pockets on he was well liked" (75). He is stern about Willy's low standard of fair play, and impatient with his childlike dreams, urging Willy all …show more content…

Why, why can’t I give him something and not have him hate me? (101)
In the light of Miller's distinctions between these two dramatic styles, the study of Death of a Salesman becomes more complex. Although he claims for the play a basic realism, it breaks the rules which he himself has set down for the realistic approach. As will be seen, Salesman does make a symbol of its hero; and Miller himself admits that its treatment of time "explodes the watch and the calendar." This dualism of technique results from his use of expressionistic elements to complement the psychological realism of the

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