
Examples Of Code Switching

Satisfactory Essays

Throughout the book, there are many examples of the characters ‘code-switching’ between Scots and Scottish English. One example of this is in the first chapter, “Kicking”, when Renton and Spud are preparing themselves for a job interview. Whilst preparing for their interviews, both Spud and Renton interact in Scots, expressing their disinterest in getting a job. For example, “Well, what ye huv tae dae is tae act enthusiastic but still fuck up the interview…If we jist be ourselves, n be honest, thill nevir gie either ay us the fuckin joab” (Welsh, 1993, p. 82). This quote in Scots represents where both Renton and Spud feel they are placed in the social hierarchy, and not being good enough or “posh” enough to get the role. However, when the

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