
Examples Of Betrayal In Beowulf

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Beowulf’s childhood, and much of the culture displayed in Seamus Heaney’s Beowulf, has many examples of familial betrayal. The house where Beowulf was raised was stricken with the killing of brothers, and his adopted father is sick with grief and mourning. Furthermore, the text holds many references to the Cain and Abel story, a story in which a brother is murdered with the motive of jealousy. While these things might lead us to believe that Beowulf would rather not have a family, because the only families that he knows bring grief, he shows a basic human need for family and companionship throughout Seamus Heaney’s translation. Seamus Heaney’s translation also highlights that Beowulf’s need for companionship and family is a basic human need, meaning that it is a natural human response to the world. Even at the beginning of the story, when Beowulf seems …show more content…

For instance, before he attacks the dragon he gives a speech to his troops about his younger self. He talks about his adoption into King Hrethel’s family, and of Herebeald’s death by his own brother, Haethcyn. King Hrethel wakes every morning to remember that “his first-born has entered death’s dominion forever.” (2453) The King’s feeling of loss makes “everything seem too large.” (2461) Beowulf is showing the parts of his childhood that he remembers, nearly all of them being negative things to do with his adopted family. Another reference to a negative sibling relationship that appears with Beowulf is the Cain and Abel story. This tale from the Bible is the epitome of hatred between brothers. Grendel and his mother are both said to be members of Cain’s clan, an evil group of demons that God created when Cain killed Abel. The evil that Beowulf faces are all spawned out of a hatred between siblings, leading many readers to believe that having a brother is a bad thing, throughout the whole

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