
Examples Of Ambition In Macbeth

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In William Shakespeare’s shortest tragedy, Macbeth, the selfish ambition of protagonists Macbeth and his wife, Lady Macbeth, result in both being seen as the driving force of the play. Though it may seem that Macbeth’s ambition is greater than his wife’s since he had committed murder, Lady Macbeth encouraged her husband to perform the wicked acts by challenging his manhood, and as a result, fulfilling her greedy desires. Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are blinded by their selfish ambition and are eager to own the ultimate titles of King and Queen of Scotland.

Becoming labelled as a great Lord and having earned the respect and trust from King Duncan, Macbeth is known and praised for his boldness, braveness, courage and most of all, his ambition. …show more content…

This trait is shown during Act 1 Scene 7 where the idea of murdering Duncan is debated, as Macbeth knows the consequences could be fatal, evident when he states “Will it not be received, when we have marked with blood those sleepy two of his own chamber and used their very daggers, that they have done’t?” (1.7.82-85). As the play progresses, it becomes clear that both characters will struggle to come to terms with their heinous crime and are therefore, overcome with guilt. The reason for Macbeth’s hesitation towards his wife’s murderous plan is because “(Duncan) hath honor’d (him) of late, and (he has) bought golden opinions from all sorts of people, which would be worn now in their newest gloss, not cast aside so soon.” (1.7.34-38). However, after discovering the witches’ prophecy, Macbeth was overcome with selfish ambition and his interest in gaining the greatest title of all increases. When his manhood is questioned by Lady Macbeth, Macbeth carries out the deadly deed. Following his first murder and proving his masculinity, Macbeth suffers from anxiety and is fearful of the day he will be caught. As a result, his fear is disguised as selfish ambition since he is blind to his surroundings, except his need to maintain his royalty. This meant that Macbeth is held …show more content…

While Macbeth is hesitant before and during the process of murdering Duncan, Lady Macbeth remains persistent and encourages Macbeth to “only look up clear. To alter favour ever is to fear.” (1.5.78-79). She then proceeds to say, “Leave all the rest to me.” (1.5.80). Before Lady Macbeth is aware of Macbeth’s prophecy, she is considered a pure, honest and a genuine woman. But after Macbeth shares his future, Lady Macbeth develops a greedy aspiration for being crowned Queen. In order for her dream to come true, Lady Macbeth forces her husband to carry out King Duncan’s murder by saying, hypothetically if she had made a promise with Macbeth, even if it was to kill her own child by “dash(ing) the brains out…” (1.7.62-64), she would not withdraw her promise. It is evident at this point the extreme measures Lady Macbeth is willing to pursue in order to fulfill her own selfish ambition. Lady Macbeth’s honest and pure personality transforms her into a selfish, highly driven and manipulative woman. Like Macbeth, Lady Macbeth struggles to deal with the guilt she experiences as a result of her actions, yet she is unable to disguise her guilt with selfish ambition. Her mental stability begins to diminish, which is particularly evident in Act 5. Her guilt becomes noticeable when she begins sleepwalking and sleep talking about

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