
Examples Of Ambition In Lady Macbeth

Decent Essays

Ambition is a trait Lady Macbeth carries out through a majority of the play; especially in the beginning. We first see Lady Macbeth's ambitious ways after she reads the letter from Macbeth in Act I. Post reading it she declares “Glamis thou art and Cawdor and shalt be what thou art promised”. (1.5.15-16) This statement is her telling Macbeth that he WILL become king as promised. Lady Macbeth doesn’t like to go back on her word, therefore since she told Macbeth she would help his promise come true, she will do everything in her power to do so. The letter triggers her into becoming power hungry. That power hungry pulls out her cunning is Lady Macbeth who created the plan to kill duncan. She plotted his murder making a cunning plan that

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