
Examples Of Active Resistance During The Holocaust

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In 1939, WWII began when the nazi party invaded Poland, causing six to nine million Jewish people began to fear for their lives. The fear began with the government, which made the Jews have to wear the Star Of David. Second, the Jews were forced into the ghettos. Third, most were transported to concentration camps or death camps. “The Diary Of Anne Frank”,”Violins Of Hope”,and “The Resistance During The Holocaust” are examples of passive or active resistance during the holocaust. People can best respond with conflict by passively resisting trying to ensure hope, survival, and jewish culture. Anne frank was a perfect example of showing that she maintained hope wherever she was. When Otto Frank came back from the concentration camps he first wanted to find his daughters. Grim, Otto soon found out that both of his daughters have died of typhus. Meip then got Anne’s Diary that she kept, before they got taken to auschwitz, and showed Otto what her daughter has been writing all this time in the Annex. In violins of hope this shows an example of passively resisting through music. “Many decades later, in 1996, …show more content…

But many proud Germans didn’t mostly agree with the ideas that Hitler was going with. Oskar Schindler was a proud German who had saved the lives of Twelve-million Jews by putting them in his personal concentration camp. But this concentration camp had the jews fed and healthy. In “Resistance during the holocaust” rescuers were not who most people think. “Rescuers were friends, acquaintances, or even total strangers” (Pg 20). They were usually helping out of the kindness of their own heart, most wanted to earn money with the reward that was offered each Jew he/she turned in. The people who turned these people in are traitors for the jews ensuring their trust in these “Helpers”. But most were kind enough just to let them at least see the light of day one last

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