
Ew Belgium Beer Campaign

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ew Belgium Beer has decided to develop a television advertisement and the marketing department is assigned the task of coming up with the campaign slogan that will make a statement for what their company stands for and at the same time not offend people, keep their current customers and gain new customers. The animated character created was called a Tinkerer, who found a bike that was left for trash which he repaired (Ferrell & Hartline, 2013).
The character was a design of Amalgamated who present his idea at the New Belgium staff at their monthly meeting the design went over with positive feedback but the company did not like the slogan. The use of the word Folly did not go over well with individuals in the company they felt the word Folly would not represent the company in a positive light. The debate on to use the word or not to use was decided when feedback was received from all departments (Ferrell & Hartline, 2013). …show more content…

New Belgium Beer was still not comfortable with the word Folly in their commercial and thought some individuals that are offended by the advertisement and would stop purchasing their beer. The commercial got positive feedback from Bob Mikulay SAB vice president of marketing who describe the commercial as a silly commercial that showed quirkiness and irreverence and still maintain the unique personality for New Belgium (Ferrell & Hartline, 2013).
Research shows that individuals are not aware that more negative things than positive influence them and listed four reasons individuals are wired to be prejudice towards the negative, bad news holds our attention more, individuals will remember more bad than good, and people will cheer for the weaker individuals (Denair,

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