
Evolution Of Bullying Essay

Decent Essays

There is not a single person who likes to tolerate, endure, or undergo the process of being bullied. Bullying is a chain of verbal or physical abuse that an instigator performs on their victim in an attempt to exploit the victim's insecurities, only so the same initiator may feel better about their own faults. There is no excuse for it, nor should anyone condone it and allow it to fester in a society that has worked so hard to build an anti-bullying awareness front. Many people have multiple ways to try and solve bullying and they all see bullying disparately. Bullying is a problem, but it is not a destructive, long-term problem that many people make it out to be. People will view the problem in a majority of ways, but some solutions are; the …show more content…

This viewpoint may seem as an easy and simple solution to someone who has not experienced the full, frontal effects of bullying, but to the abused, it is the hardest solution to choose. Many teenagers have been bullied with harassment during school and cyberbullying outside of school, which proves that bullying has evolved from a kid getting beat up at school to non-stop emotional harassment at home, via the internet (Faris 1). The evolution of bullying not only has evolved into more ways a bully can harass another person but it also has increased how long a person can get bullied, therefore kids feel like they have no safe haven. "Victimization is also significantly related to suicidal ideation, social isolation, anxiety, and depression" (Faris 1). Anyone who has ever been subjected to bullying can develop future feelings of self-doubt, feelings of worthlessness, or in worse case scenarios ideas of suicide and death (Faris 1). Yet, if a victim chooses to not allow the bully to continue to take advantage of them, then scenarios previously stated can be halted. The effects of bullying on young people's mental health are serious and should not be taken lightly, but it does not have to define who that person is or what that person can become if only that person would choose to not let

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