
Everyday Use By Alice Walker

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In the story, “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker, there is an underlying conflict between three main characters; Mama, and her two daughters Maggie and Dee. Mama has been one to keep her traditions and her heritage close to her and has attempted to educate the significance of the families heritage to her two daughters. Dee, the oldest daughter, is one of the most diverse ones in the house due to her educational background, which has caused some issues with her family. Maggie is the younger sister who had been burned severely when she was younger in a house fire and now remains at home with her mother. The conflict in the story centers around Dee, the eldest and the most educated daughter. Dee has arrived home with her boyfriend named Hakim-a-Barber and she announces that she has changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo from the African culture. During this time period many black families had a strong heritage background that set the structure of families. In most cases, the parents had given their children names from their great-grandparents or other relatives. In this case, Mama got Dee 's name from her Aunt Dicie. In those days the changing of the name given to an individual was greatly frowned upon in the family and was seen as a disloyal act. Maggie the younger sister has always stayed true to their traditions and her heritage compared to Dee, who like explained before, was educated and stirred away from her heritage. Maggie and Mama continued to take on the roles

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