
Essay On Jewish Community

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Evaluating the use of the Jewish faith to cope within an Indianapolis Jewish community
Donnell Stewart
Anderson University

Evaluating the use of the Jewish faith to cope within an Indianapolis Jewish community
“Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations”. (American Nurses Association website, n.d.) At its core, nursing is a profession that is in the business of providing care to people. These people are diverse in a variety of different ways from common …show more content…

During the semester, I plan to complete cultural, personal and topic objectives. Most of these tasks will be completed by accompanying Professor Neal, and the undergraduate nursing students, as they visit Hooverwood, a Jewish funeral home, Eva Kor, a holocaust survivor, at Candles museum in Terre Haute, Cantor Roytman at Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah (Chicago), Giardano’s and Taboun’s restaurants, as well as the Indiana Hebrew Congregation (IHC) temple. Finally, we attend classes on Judaism with preschool children, and meet with JCC Shaliach Inbar Nadire, Susan Moss, RN and Mrs. Patti Freeman-Dorson, attorney and President of the Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation. To complete my cultural objectives, I will learn more about kosher diet and what items would be appropriate for someone to adhere to this type of diet and attend a religious a service with a former co-worker. Regarding my personal objective, I will learn 10 Jewish healthcare terms/ beliefs that would be helpful in caring for a Jewish patient. Finally, I will use the Jewish Religious Coping Scale (JCOPE), with members of the Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai Emunah, and possibly some of the patients/ families at Hooverwood, to evaluate their use of the Jewish faith/ beliefs to help

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